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Approved Minutes 05/19/2011

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, John Moustakis, Vice Chair, Mark George, Helen Sides, Randy Clarke, Tim Ready, and Tim Kavanaugh.  Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk. Absent: Nadine Hanscom, and Christine Sullivan.

Chuck Puleo opened the meeting at 7:06 pm.      

Approval of Minutes
4/7/11 Planning Board meeting minutes

No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members.  Randy Clarke motioned to approve, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh. Approved 7-0.

Public hearing: Application of PAUL FERRAGAMO for an Amendment to a Definitive Subdivision Plan for 405-419 HIGHLAND AVENUE, Salem, MA (Assessors Map 3, Lots 74, 75, and 76).  The amended plan proposes a reconfigured site driveway and associated changes to the dimensions of the lots.

Attachments & Exhibitions:
  • Application date-stamped 4/28/11 and accompanying materials
  • Plans titled “Definitive Subdivision Plan for a site at 405-427 Highland Avenue,” dated 4/20/11
  • Email memo from David Knowlton, City Engineer, dated 5/19/11
George Atkins, 59 Federal Street, Salem, stated he represents Paul Ferragamo, the property owner, Scott Patrowicz, the site engineer, and Harry Gunderson, the site architect. Mr. Atkins reminded the Board of the previously approved plan, which was approved in 2010.  The plan has since been amended due to the State’s requirements relating to the location of the entryway, and includes changes to sewage and drainage requirements.  Thus the applicant has come back before the Board as well as the Zoning Committee to get local approvals before presenting the amended plan to the state formally.  The applicant has informally asked the State what it will accept as appropriate changes, to which the State recommended moving the location of the entrance to the development as well as installing a light.  The applicant agreed to move the entryway, and will move poles and equipment boxes due to the recommended changes.  As a result of the proposed changes, there are dimensional site changes, including areas and frontages of the lots.  Mr. Atkins reassured the Board that the plan will still be for an 11 lot residential subdivision but the sizes of some lots will be changing.  Additionally, the applicant believes that this is essentially the same subdivision development.  They met with the City Engineer and the Peer Reviewer, however, who both feel that the plan is not complete enough.  The applicant is asking to continue this discussion to second week in June so they can present again to the Peer Reviewer, and report back at the June 16th meeting.  This will then allow the applicant to get the necessary approvals before going before the State.

Mr. Puleo asked if the state’s only comments were to the location of the road.  Mr. Atkins explained that this is the principal concern.  Mr. Atkins pointed out changes to the plan that show a landscape easement to a neighbor, which also allows more room to get the roadway away from the house.  He also noted that nothing has changed with the remaining abutters.  Mr. Puleo asked if there were any other issues with the neighbors.  Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, stated that there was one abutter who had concerns to which Mr. Atkins clarified that the abutter asked for a gate and fencing.  John Moustakis asked about the other aspects of the plan revision that the State will be involved in.  Mr. Atkins stated that they will be tapping into the sewer system on Highland Avenue as well as the storm drainage system.  Mark George asked about the ledge and the existing traffic light.  Mr. Atkins stated that there is a huge amount of ledge, thus the site has been engineered to better deal with the drainage. He also stated that they will be adding to the traffic light that is already there.  

Mr. George asked for an engineering explanation about the site.  Scott Patrowicz, site engineer, explained that they are addressing the sheet flow rain issues that run onto Highland Avenue, which the State is concerned about.  They are creating water quality swales, as well as leeching and catch basins.  These will then go into Col-tech units, to attenuate the storms during typical rain storms as well as a “hundred year event”.  Mr. George asked if based on this plan, if there will be less flow and if cleaner water comes out, to which Mr. Patrowicz responded in the affirmative.  He explained that they need at least a conditional approval from the Board in order to go to the State.  Mr. Patrowicz stated that the City Engineer, Dave Knowlton, asked for more information in relation to the re-routing of the pipes.  He further explained that the applicant is seeking a conditional approval on this plan so they can present this to the State again.

Mr. Puleo asked to clarify that there will be no southbound traffic turning based on the light.  Mr. Atkins said yes.  Mr. Puleo asked about road maintenance and snowplowing, to which Mr. Atkins stated that this remains the same as the original application, which is the responsibility of the homeowners association.  Mr. Patrowicz said that he increased the area for the sand and snow to be removed to in the plan.  Mr. Puleo asked if there was a conditional maintenance included in the original approval, and Mr. Atkins said yes.  Mr. Ready asked to clarify that they are presenting this evening to ask for more time, to which Mr. Atkins said yes.  He further explained that he would like to go forward but the City Engineer needs to approve these changes first.

Issue is opened up for public comment

Toby Diulis, 14 Barnes Circle, spoke in support of the plan.

Mr. George asked what are the City Engineer’s main concerns.  Ms. McKnight stated that he feels that due to the changes he needs more information., and that these changes were outlined in a letter to the Board.  Mr. George asked Ms. McKnight to clarify if the primary concerns were around stormwater management.  Ms. McKnight stated that this was correct as well as one issue about the sewer.  Mr. Petrowicz identified specific issues, and explained the changes the applicant is proposing.

Randy Clarke made a motion to continue to the June 16th meeting, seconded by John Moustakis. All approved 7-0.

Old/New Business

Randy Clarke made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by John Moustakis.  All approved 7-0.  Chuck Puleo adjourned the meeting at 7:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board 6/2/11